Friday, 9 December 2022


Figure 08-  Conclusion Of Employee Motivation

Employee motivation contributes to the organization's increased productivity level and, as a result, show excellent shape for the organization's overall production process. And how well employee motivation is implemented will affect how effective it is. Employee motivation must effectively affect both the organization and the people for it to be effective. It is possible to influence the employees in the organization under consideration in a favorable way by studying the many theories of employee motivation. Finding motivational and hygiene-related elements is also important. Employee motivation is a crucial component of any organization's and production process, though. 


Type of Motivation

Basically there are two types of motivation.

01.Intrinsic motivation

Figure 06 - Intrinsic motivation

Internal motivation to carry out a specific task is referred to as intrinsic motivation(Reena &  Bonjour, 2010). People engage in particular activities because they find them enjoyable, help them learn a skill, or are ethically correct to do so(Reena &  Bonjour, 2010).

Since the means and the result are the same, intrinsic motivation is non instrumental in nature(Legault, 2016).This indicates that intrinsically motivated performance is not dependent on any consequence that is separate from the behaviour itself(Legault, 2016).

02.Extrinsic motivation

Figure 07 - Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to factors that are independent of the person and unrelated to the activity at hand(Reena &  Bonjour, 2010).

Extrinsic motivation is therefore of an instrumental nature. It is carried out in order to achieve another goal(Legault, 2016).


Haque, M.F., Haque, M.A. and Islam, M.S. (2014) Motivational Theories – A Critical Analysis [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 2, 2022). 

Purvis, R.L., Zagenczyk, T.J. and Mccray, G.E. (2014) What's in it for me? Using expectancy theory and climate to explain stakeholder participation, its direction and intensity [Preprint]. Available at: 

Reena, B. and Bonjour, R. (2010) Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 5, 2022). 

Expectancy Theory

Vroom is known for developing the idea of expectancy, which refers to the likelihood that an activity or effort will bring in a result( Haque et al., 2014). Vroom provided a more detailed definition of expectancy, saying that "where an individual chooses between alternatives involving uncertain outcomes, it seems clear that his behaviour is affected not only by his preferences among these outcomes but also by the point to which he believes these outcomes to be possible( Haque et al., 2014).

Expectations can be defined according to their strength. Subjective certainty that the act will result in the desired consequence indicates maximum strength, whereas subjective certainty that the act will not result in the desired end indicates minimum strength (Vroom, 1964)-( Haque et al., 2014).

Figure 05 - Expectancy Theory

Expectancy theory is a process theory of motivation that stresses individual assessments of the environment and actions as a result of one's expectations (Fudge & Schlacter, 1999)-( Purvis et al., 2014). Motivators, such as external rewards, specifically explain why certain behaviours occur( Purvis et al., 2014).

Employee motivation has long been explained by the expectancy theory, which holds that motivation is a multiplicative function of three constructs:

  • an individual's assessment of the likelihood that they will succeed if they put forth effort and develop and implement an idea( Purvis et al., 2014).

  • a person's estimation of the likelihood that the development and implementation effort will produce the desired organisational performance( Purvis et al., 2014).

  • the level of personal appeal of the benefits after the fulfilment of organisational goals or performance for each stakeholder( Purvis et al., 2014).



 Haque, M.F., Haque, M.A. and Islam, M.S. (2014) Motivational Theories – A Critical Analysis [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 2, 2022).  


Purvis, R.L., Zagenczyk, T.J. and Mccray, G.E. (2014) What's in it for me? Using expectancy theory and climate to explain stakeholder participation, its direction and intensity [Preprint]. Available at:  


Herzberg Motivation/Hygiene Theory

The two-factor theory is another name for Herzberg's motivation/hygiene theory. In Pittsburg, Herzberg began researching employment satisfaction in the 1950s( Haque et al., 2014). The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs serves as the foundation for Herzberg's research. He began by proposing that the factors that lead to job happiness are the exact opposite of those that lead to job dissatisfaction( Haque et al., 2014). But despite perusing countless books, he was unable to produce any rules. He ran a poll, asking participants to list the aspects of their jobs that they found rewarding and those that they found unsatisfactory( Haque et al., 2014). As a result, Herzberg discovered that people are happy when they are doing something or being used, and sad when they are being treated unfairly.People's workplace contentment is influenced by diverse factors than their workplace unhappiness, thus those two emotions cannot be mutually exclusive( Haque et al., 2014).

 Herzberg developed his Motivators and Hygiene Factors theory in response to these observations( Haque et al., 2014). Both elements have the power to inspire employees, but they do so for quite different purposes( Haque et al., 2014). While motivators most likely lead to longer-term job happiness, hygiene factors typically only provide workers with short-term satisfaction( Haque et al., 2014).

Figure 04 -Herzberg Motivation/Hygiene Theory

Motivation Factors and Hygiene Factors Connections between employees and bosses are frequently linked to motivation(Potgieter & Tait, 2013). Stated that managers must always develop and maintain an environment that supports meeting the needs, wants, and desires of their workforce(Potgieter & Tait, 2013). As a result, a workplace that supports meeting employees' needs and wants will inspire them to give their best effort, which improves employee productivity(Potgieter & Tait, 2013).It is needed to know the factors theory in practice.

There are two factors theory in practise , 

01.Motivation factors

Motivators, also known as satisfiers, are things that make people feel satisfied at work. These elements motivate through altering the essence of the work. They push a person to hone their skills and reach their full potential.And those are the factors which can be seen as motivation factors in practice( Haque et al., 2014).

  • Achievement 

  • Recognition 

  • Work itself

  • Responsibility

  • Advancement 

  • Growth 

02.Hygiene Factors

The employee expects hygiene factors, or dissatisfiers, to be in good shape. While motivators are those that currently lead to satisfaction, hygiene factors are those that do not currently lead to satisfaction but, if absent, lead to job unhappiness.And here are the factors which can be seen as Hygiene factors( Haque et al., 2014).

  • Supervision 

  • Company Policy 

  • Relationship with supervisor

  • Working condition 

  • Salary 

  • Relationship with peers 

  • Personal life 

  • Relationship with subordinators

  • Status 

  • Security


 Haque, M.F., Haque, M.A. and Islam, M.S. (2014) Motivational Theories – A Critical Analysis [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 2, 2022). 

Potgieter, A. and Tait, M. (2013) Motivational factors that influence individual performance [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 7, 2022).

Theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Probably one of the most well-known theories of motivation in the world is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs( Haque et al., 2014). Maslow is a wonderful starting point when considering the many theories of motivation. Maslow based his theory on the idea that people always need something, and that what they desire depends on what they currently have( Haque et al., 2014).

 Maslow suggested that in order to satisfy their basic needs, humans must attend to five levels of needs( Haque et al., 2014).

01. Physiological  needs

The needs that must be fulfilled for an individual's biological structures to continue, such as breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping, resting, and sheltering, are known as psychological needs( UYSAL et al., 2017).

02. Security needs

Despite the fact that physiological demands are mostly fulfilled, new needs that are categorized as safety needs develop( UYSAL et al., 2017). These include needs for safety from threat, security, and lack of fear . Your need to be financially secure is one aspect of your safety requirements( UYSAL et al., 2017).

03 Love  and  belonging needs

Third on Maslow's hierarchy of wants is the need for love and belonging. Having a sense of security, people need a sense of receiving and giving love, appreciation, and strong friendships( Haque et al., 2014).

04.Esteem needs

There are two different esteem needs. The first is the need to be respected and valued by others in relation to another's reputation, includes status, appreciation, and praise UYSAL et al., 2017).. The demand for self-appreciation and self-esteem, including self-confidence, independence, achievement, and talent, is the other one UYSAL et al., 2017).

05. Need of  Self-actualization

Maslow's hierarchy of requirements places the need for personality at its highest level. Based on how well the previous four lower levels are being met, this need begins to emerge. It alludes to the desire for self-fulfillment as well as the desire to realize individual's potential( Haque et al., 2014).

Further more these needs, which might differ from person to person, proceed in a hierarchical order from basic physiological demands to higher-level social and psychological needs. By organizing the needs in a certain order, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, which is at the forefront of the most significant studies about motivation, also created the "Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid."

Figure 03 - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

This pyramid shows the size of  the needs that it needs.


 Haque, M.F., Haque, M.A. and Islam, M.S. (2014) Motivational Theories – A Critical Analysis [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 2, 2022).  


Benefits of Employee Motivation

Figure 02 - Benefits Of Employee Motivation

The quantity of goods and services that an employee produces over the period of a given period of time can be used to assess their productivity, with a focus on establishing quality( Hanaysha & Majid, 2018).

Every successful firm is maintained by loyal employees, and loyalty is the result of employee motivation and job satisfaction(Varma, 2018). Employees are motivated toward company goals through energy(Varma, 2018). Without commitment, the company would not be able to produce performance. Organizations must have competitive personnel policies and practices in order to get a competitive advantage(Varma, 2018).

Employee motivation is crucial for achieving the following organizational goals, which are why businesses struggle to find motivated workers:

  • Team/group direction that is unified

  • Improved efficacy and efficiency

  • Employee retention and attraction for a stable and continuing supply of employees

  • Improves an organization's capacity to handle ambiguous business challenges

  • Creating an environment that is performance-oriented (Creative & Innovative)

  • Increased organizational dedication

  • Effective resource use

(Varma, 2018).

An employee's motivation is influenced by a variety of factors, which help to define what is most useful and important to them. This is usually a combination of factors that together form the employee's map or collection of motivators. These variables are separated into external and internal categories.

 Internal Factors

  • Self-actualization  

  • Creativity  

  • Self-affirmation 

  • Conviction

  • Curiosity

  • Health  

  • Personal growth

  • The need for communication

External factors 

  • Money 

  • Careers  

  • Status  

  • Prestige  

  • Ability to travel

So this presents what are the results that can be seen as benefits and the factors that the organization has to move on.


Hanaysha, J.R. and Majid, M.B. (2018) Employee Motivation and its Role in Improving the Productivity and Organizational Commitment at Higher Education Institutions [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: November 29, 2022).

 Jain, A., Gupta, B. and Bindal, M. (2019) A Study of Employee Motivation in Organization [Preprint]. Available at: 


Importance of Employee Motivation

Figure 01-Employee Motivation

Global business environments are developing rapidly, and organizations who can adapt to these changes will be the ones to survive (Varma, 2018). Organizations must develop methods to sustain the strong competition, and those that succeed will be able to survive longer than their competitors (Varma, 2018).Managing employee turnover that may result from the migration of many industrial workers is one of the biggest difficulties that organizations face today(Varma, 2018). This may be a result of their lack of motivation and dedication to the company; this viewpoint highlights the need of researching motivation and how it relates to job satisfaction (Varma, 2018).

And one of the most important elements in the world of human resources is employee retention(Jain et al., 2019).. Holding on to capable and dependable personnel is crucial since they form the foundation of great firms(Jain et al., 2019).. The longer a representative stays with the organization, the better it is for the association because training new employees is difficult and expensive (Jain et al., 2019).

In order to achieve major corporate aims, employees need to be motivated, which is an important motivating factor(Jain et al., 2019). A strong positive motivation will enable the increased output of workers, whilst a negative motivation will reduce their display(Jain et al., 2019). Motivation is a crucial aspect of the executives' workforce(Jain et al., 2019).

Employee motivation, just one component of the motivation and performance formula, is frequently researched since it sheds light on employee behavior and provides a base for overall behavior(Galli, 2020). Employee motivation is a topic for which no single, widely accepted theory has been developed( Galli, 2020). Furthermore, there are three categories of motivational philosophies: content motivation, process motivation, and reinforcement theory( Galli, 2020).

When we examine motivation in detail, we come to the conclusion that the ability to influence people's behavior is a skill that promotes a variety of qualities(Achim et al., 2013). Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it(Achim et al., 2013). Expanding on the foregoing, we could say that while not everyone has the ability to motivate, anyone can be motivated in a variety of different ways(Achim et al., 2013).

Knowing the possibilities and ways of thinking that each person can use to further their goals and interests helps everyone to motivate them to have more, providing that the drive function occurs under ideal circumstances for both the employee and the business(Achim et al., 2013).A person's motivation is made up of a variety of factors that drive, motivate, and lead them to perform various actions in order to achieve their goals(Achim et al., 2013).

This blog discusses the value of employee incentive to the business. And it emphasizes the impact that employee motivation has on an organization.


Achim, M.I., Dragolea, L.L. and Balan, G. (2013) "The Importance Of Employee Motivation To Increase Organisational Performance " [Preprint]. Available at: 

Galli, M. (2020) Employee Motivation [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: November 28, 2022). 

Jain, A., Gupta, B. and Bindal, M. (2019) A Study of Employee Motivation in Organization [Preprint]. Available at: