Friday, 9 December 2022

Type of Motivation

Basically there are two types of motivation.

01.Intrinsic motivation

Figure 06 - Intrinsic motivation

Internal motivation to carry out a specific task is referred to as intrinsic motivation(Reena &  Bonjour, 2010). People engage in particular activities because they find them enjoyable, help them learn a skill, or are ethically correct to do so(Reena &  Bonjour, 2010).

Since the means and the result are the same, intrinsic motivation is non instrumental in nature(Legault, 2016).This indicates that intrinsically motivated performance is not dependent on any consequence that is separate from the behaviour itself(Legault, 2016).

02.Extrinsic motivation

Figure 07 - Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to factors that are independent of the person and unrelated to the activity at hand(Reena &  Bonjour, 2010).

Extrinsic motivation is therefore of an instrumental nature. It is carried out in order to achieve another goal(Legault, 2016).


Haque, M.F., Haque, M.A. and Islam, M.S. (2014) Motivational Theories – A Critical Analysis [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 2, 2022). 

Purvis, R.L., Zagenczyk, T.J. and Mccray, G.E. (2014) What's in it for me? Using expectancy theory and climate to explain stakeholder participation, its direction and intensity [Preprint]. Available at: 

Reena, B. and Bonjour, R. (2010) Motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic [Preprint]. Available at: (Accessed: December 5, 2022). 


  1. Agreed on your points Shamalka. Moreover, Motivation is the driving force that will lead people to achieve (Bedeian,1993). Employees get motivated by intrinsic (internal) as well as extrinsic (external) factors. (Alshamemri, 2017).

    1. Of course Ishara. And thank you.Further more One of the most important elements in the world of human resources is employee retention. Holding on to capable and dependable personnel is crucial since they form the foundation of great firms(Jain et al., 2019).

  2. Agreed with the content Shamalka, Further, Internal incentives result from a task's successful completion and the employer's gratitude (Ajila, 2004). Integrated conduct is linked to psychological health and sentiments of self-integration (Weinstein et al., 2011). Employees are motivated primarily by money as an extrinsic factor since they want to get paid more for the task they do (Sara, 2004). Higher level roles in an organization are less susceptible to extrinsic motivational variables than lower level positions (Bard, 2006).

  3. Adding to your content Shamalka, Ryan & Deci (2000) established that when considering Intrinsic motivation and Extrinsic motivation, it is important to note that the type of motivation at work has a direct correlation to the underlying attitudes and objectives of the motivated individual.

  4. Agreed with your comments. Would like to add further. The potential of extrinsic rewards to undermine intrinsic motivation has yet to be demonstrated. Construct invalidity, measurement unreliability, insufficient experimental controls, and biased metareviews are the main outstanding problems. The undermining theory's failure to appropriately acknowledge the complex nature of intrinsic drive, however, may be its biggest flaw (Reiss 2005).

    1. Yes Dulakshi as you said Extrinsic rewards may interfere with intrinsic motivation, but this is still a theoretical possibility(Reiss 2005).And If great profitability in the association is the standard, motivation must be managed effectively because it is a crucial component of any business(jain et al., 2019).

  5. Agreed your comments,Furthermore ,Furthermore, extrinsic motivation “ which refers to doing something because it leads to a separableoutcome .We call an employee is extrinsically motivated .If the employee tend to work hard for the reason that he or she getting a reward when he or she achieve the anticipated outcomes(Ryan and Deci ,2000 ,p55)

    1. Thank you for the comment and would like to say more The biggest incentive is financial gain, particularly in light of the current economic situation in Romania. Gaining experience and advancing in your job are on equal footing(Achim et al., 2013).

  6. Agreed with the content. Further, Intrinsic motivation has emerged as an important phenomenon for educators a natural wellspring of learning and achievement that can be systematically catalyzed or undermined by parent and teacher practices (Ryan and Stiller, 1991).

    1. Agreed Duvangi .As you told Intrinsic motivation has emerged as an important phenomenon for educators a natural wellspring of learning and achievement that can be systematically catalyzed or undermined by parent and teacher practices (Ryan and Stiller, 1991).And also Young newborns exhibit strong intrinsic motivation as they repeatedly attempt to grasp, throw, bite, crush, or scream at novel objects(Oudeyer & Kaplan, 2013).
